Is Washtech M2 passthrough dishwasher worth the money?

Dishwashers have been a boon to a lot of people, it took care of one of the biggest time and effort takers for the ones cooking. While traditional washing methods were okay at cleaning your utensils, it would wreck the people who were dishwashing with the effort it took. Dishwashers nowadays are completely able to remove dirt from utensils, also at the same time saving the time and effort of the people cooking. There are certain things to look at before buying a dishwasher, such as its cleaning capabilities, drying capability, reliability, maintenance, if it has smart features or not, etcetera. Now that we know what to look at first let us take a deeper dive into it and also know if the Washtech M2 passthrough dishwasher is worth it or not.


The features

The Washtech M2 is packed with features.

  • It can start the cleaning automatically as soon as you close the hood.
  • It offers a whopping 1,080 plates / 1,500 glasses per hour capacity.
  • Soft start wash cycle
  • Only requires around 2.4 liters of water per wash cycle.
  • It can offer you 60/80/120 seconds wash cycles.
  • It can prevent backflow in itself
  • Offers one of the best electronic control systems for dishwashers
  • Reliable double filtration system through scrap trays and separate wash inlet filter.

It’s a dishwasher with a powerful hot water wash capability for those notorious stains which do not want to leave you alone, but does it give you efficiency at the same time?

In terms of operating costs, this will be a dishwasher which will not trouble you. The electricity it consumes is 5-10 kilo watt hours depending upon the wash cycle. The water costs are quite low as only 2.4 liters of water is used per wash cycle. If you are in a hurry, this dishwasher can be extremely handy due to its fast wash cycles.

Depending upon how much dirt is stuck on the utensils you can adjust the wash cycles to wash it longer and clean accordingly.


Does it meet reliability and usability too?

The Washtech M2 is a dishwasher that prides itself upon its reliability and maintenance. It has been made from heavy-duty stainless steel and it’s easy to say that it doesn’t need much care in the long run. It has been specifically engineered to sustain Australian kitchens. Easy installation supplied with water supply, detergent, and rinse aid pumps.

Here are the reliability and usability features

  • The Washtech M2 is compatible with 500mm racks.
  • Heavy-duty stainless steel construction with wash manifold.
  • It can clean itself from the grease and stains which come after the dishwashing is done.
  • Eco-power mode to reduce temperatures and energy consumption when idle so that it doesnt take up the extra energy.

Now reliability and usability features can be a lot in number but do the company trust the product enough to give out long warranties? It gives a 5-2-1 comprehensive Moffats warranty and also an eight-year warranty on the parts. Since we now know that it meets reliability and features, the only thing which decides its buying practicality is its cost.


Costly but…

We installed a Washtech M2 pass through dishwasher, and we have no regrets. The Washtech M2 pro costs around 6,500 to 7,000 Australian dollars. It is a costly dishwasher but at this price, it is one of the best dishwashers out there, with good reliability and richness of features.


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