How to drive well: tips to improve driving

One of the main aspects, if you want to put into practice a less expensive driving, concerns the dosage of braking. While driving, when traveling a stretch of road at a constant pace, the weight of the vehicle is perfectly balanced between the front and rear, a situation that minimizes fuel consumption. Obviously, in order to reduce fuel consumption, an adequate number of revolutions must also be maintained, between 1,800 and 2,800 revolutions per minute.

This allows the engine to be used in optimal conditions, as the car needs a limited amount of fuel to propel it forward. However, when you intervene on the brakes, the weight distribution of the machine changes, causing the center of gravity to move forward or backward. By loading the front or rear, it is necessary to use all the engine power to control the car by counteracting the natural tendency of the vehicle to follow the point with the greatest grip.

Thanks to a correct driving style. To do this, just consider the curves in advance, avoiding entering at too high a speed, simply releasing the accelerator to reach a suitable pace, making the curve safely without aggressive braking. avoiding sudden and sudden accelerations, waiting for all four tires to have reached full grip on the road again, before opening the throttle again.

It must be considered that cars, every time you brake, consume a lot of energy to slow down the vehicle, so it is useful to maintain a correct safety distance, limiting the occasions when you have to intervene vigorously on the brakes.

In addition, a more sedate driving style must be maintained, especially in the city, trying to dose the accelerator and brake gently, a behavior that can save up to 10% on petrol consumption, a considerable sum if we estimate an average distance of 20,000 km. the year.

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